Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Development Of Glaucoma A New Theory On The Cause

because my grandmother has glaucoma since 1966A.D., I developed a new theory in my head as to what cau cause this devastating eyesight condition that causes blindness if not treated properly with eyedrops, laser surgery, and etc...
Glaucoma I believe is caused by a tearing apart of the visual brain center that holds the eye structure together. Something called the apple of the eye connector that connects, the ophtolmic nerve, apple of the eye, iris, pupil, visual nerves, and etc... tears apart from excessive eye pressure, and lobe pressure in the eyes. That causes a sudden vision deterioration, and blindness eventually if left untreated, by an ophtomologist.
Treatment Of Glaucoma
If this theory is proven correct this could be the cure for glaucoma. I'm dead serious about this theory. I call it "A Visual Center Theory." Maybe eyedrops, laser surgery, and etc... don't work so well, with glaucoma? What I suggest is something called "A Visual Center Surgery," to repair the visual connector within of the apple of the eye, that connects the brain, with the eyes.