Sunday, February 28, 2010

ischemic optic neurities

my father has Ischemic Optic Neurities.I want to know about treat ment &rehabilitations.If there is a Special Department or Research Department ,please send me the address&telephone number.thanks alot.

Ischemic Optic Neuropathy is associated with hypertension (40%) and diabetes (20%), and is usually seen in older persons (mostly in their 70s). It is characterized by acute, sudden vision loss, usually in one eye, and presents often with optic disc edema, blurred disc margins and flame-shaped retinal hemorrhages. An altitudinal visual field defect is also usually noted. If it is of the arteritic variety, then swollen, tender, temporal artery is involved along with pain on the side of the face between the outer eyes and ears. Lab tests and biopsy confirms the diagnosis. Treatment includes systemic steroid administration usually methylprednisone 1 gram IV each day for 3 days, then tapering the dosage until resolution

Dr. Ken