Sunday, February 28, 2010

I can't read with bifocals???

I have tried 3 different times to get bifocals. I am not able to read with them. I can read with the readers 2.0 I have had lined and progressive bifocals.

My eye doctor tried to make them stronger to see if that would help, but it didn't.  I am a nurse and have to see well to start pediatric IV's. I have the dry eye syndrome so I cannot wear contacts either.I would love to be able to carry only one pair of glasses around with me.Is this common? What do you suggest?

If your eyes are healthy and you CAN read with +2.00 reading glasses, you should be able to read with the correctly constructed bifocals.

Problems with bifocals that do not occur with the same prescription single vision reading glass are usually due to an incorrect segment height (height of the bifocal segment) or an incorrect pantoscopic tilt (how tilted the bifocal glass is with respect to the vertical plane of your face).

See if you can determine if there is a significant difference in how the single vision +2.00 readers fit on your nose and face compared to the bifocals... the bifocals should be adjusted to fit in front of your eyes and on your face similarly to the readers.