Sunday, February 28, 2010

blood spot in eye

I am a 38 year old female. I am 8 months pregnant and healthy. I awoke this morning to a blood spot in the white part of my right eye. I do not have high blood pressure, in fact it is on the low side. I do not have diabetes and I have not lifted anything heavy. Are there other possible reasons for this blood spot?

Thanks so much for taking time for my question.


Hi Lyne,

Sometimes we blame it on a dry eye that gets rubbed and it breaks one of the capillaries.  We could consider that pregnancy related hormonal changes can make the eye dry making it easier to tug and break the capillary.  We don't really know why these subconjunctival hemorrhages happen if the health related things you mentioned are known to be OK and you know you are normal through the routine health exams. If you are bruising unexplainably or bleeding easily otherwise then you should contact your doctor.  

Good luck and regards,

Mitch Axelrod, OD