Sunday, February 21, 2010

narrow angles gluacoma

just told I have narrow angels and may have a terrible pain and blindness if drains get clogged. I ahve panic atatcks and freaked out. Is this rare to happen? I am diabetic and waling around thinking I may blind anytime with excruciating pain is making blood pressure high and panic worse, plus have been on 4 yrs of Tranxene for panin and eas told it had to stop or would worsen problr. Anything else for panic attacks that i can take? My MD does not know any and I am about to have to cold turkey quit these and have withdrawls. Help please!


'Is this rare to happen?'

a little bit uncommon, but certainly not freakishly rare or anything. having narrow angles puts you at risk for a specific type of glaucoma...'angle closure glaucoma'. you may need to visit a surgeon to discuss the possibility of having a laser peripheral iridotomy or LPI. that would be using a laser to create another hole in your iris ro lessen the chance of angle closure. its highly effective and pretty much standard treatment for narrow angles with risk or suspicion of glaucoma.

'Anything else for panic attacks that i can take? My MD does not know any'

i dont know any, either off the top of my head. many drugs for anxiety affect angle closure glaucoma. i bet a glaucoma specialist surgeon would know, tho. is that who you are seeing currently?