Sunday, February 28, 2010

Incipient nearsightedness caused by close work


I'm a 19 years old student from Serbia. I've noticed something is wrong with my eyesight a little bit 3-4 months ago when looking at distance. At first, objects were blurry some days, and later on they were blurry every day. For the last 4 years I was spending atleast 6 hours a day at the computer (on some occasions even up to 10 or 12 hours) barely taking any breaks as intended (e.g. every 15 mins per hour or so). I hesitated checking my vision but I finally did it. He said that I got low myopia due to constant eye strain while at the computer and he gave me the glasses with -0.75 diopters with note that I should only wear them while sitting in the back at the university ('cause that's like the main issue I am having, especially when the light is turned on in the classroom/amphitheater, I am having issues reading the small letters from the blackboard) and while at the computer. He also told me that since my myopia isn't genetically based and is pretty low, that I'll be able to recover my sight if I lower the time spent on the computer by a huge bit, go out alot, and since I'm training tennis, that it should help my eyes even more since they are constantly moving.

Now, I checked various forums regarding vision problems and most people tell me that I shouldn't wear those minus glasses while at the computer because they'll only increase the rate of myopia that way; Also, I got told that if I didn't need the glasses for the computer until now (I still see the computer screen normally) I won't need them from now on either or I'll just get dependent on them if I use them. Also, people suggest that you can correct low myopia by wearing plus glasses for close work or get less diopter on the minus ones and get adapted to them, and apparently doing that until 0.00 is reached will solve the problem. Also, some people say that avoiding wearing glasses helps your vision correct itself by adapting since wearing glasses will only get you higher perscription every now and then, while others say wearing glasses actually help correct your vision and that avoiding them will get your vision worse due to the strain that occurs when you attempt to see distant objects clearly.

Anyway, I'll sum it up. Will I be able to regain my sight by abandoning the computer, spending more time outdoors and doing eye exercises (or any other natural way) and if so, how long would it take? Again, the optometrist I talked to said I will be able to do so since my myopia isn't inherited and is caused by close-work, and that it's low enough (-0.75) to be restored to it's default properties as I'm soon getting 20 years old and it's going to stabilize either way.

Best wishes,


Hi Marco,

Sadly no one really knows the answers.  I would suggest you 1.use the glasses for far not near, 2. take occas breaks from close work and view distant objects for a few minutes but not worry too much about using the glasses for that break; 3. not believe totally anything anybody tells you because the studies are weak and the factors many.  It is likely that you do have a genetic propensity for myopia and the tasks brought it out.  And yes when you get older and your visual habits change you may regress but don't count on it. Don't be silly and try to manipulate your myopia especially since it would upset your wants, enjoyments and studies. All the exercises and reading glasses (plus power) may or may not matter: the results are individual and not statistically useful for the masses.

Kind regards,

Mitch Axelrod, OD