Sunday, February 28, 2010

Intraocular Lens implants & cataract surgery

Approximately, how lung should I expect until I can see clearly?  Everything is so much brighter in both eyes, but my eyes, especially the right one, seem blurry,like there is a large piece of fuzz or filmy-like substance over the eye.  The doctor gave me some artificial tears, eye drops, but they don't seem to help much.

Help.  Thanks.

Hi Gayle,

I don't have much information about your case, but in general you should see clearly perhaps with glasses added several days to weeks after surgery.  It's rather important that you discuss this with your surgeon as they will have answers for you. If you feel your concerns aren't understood or addressed or you aren't trusting, you simply see another doctor for a second opinion.  Often the fuzz you describe is a new floater, probably nothing to worry about, but it needs to be addressed by your surgeon.  


Mitch Axelrod, OD