Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 year old with eye pain

My daughter had her first routine eye exam 3 days ago. When the exam was complete she started crying and saying her left eye felt like it was burning and had sharp prickling. After 3 days it's only burning but still we don't know what is wrong. I took her back to the Dr. and he looked at her again but said there was nothing wrong. Could a test have caused this? Her eyes were not dilated. first they did the standard eye chart. then she looked into a machine and gave the assistant a print out. the Dr. used the equipment and my daughter had to say which looked clearer 1 or 2 while she looked at chart. Lastly, he looked into her eyes with a very bright light while her chin rested on a support. I feel silly not knowing what all these tests and equipment are for. I described it the best way I know how. He said she looked fine and had 20/25 vision.  

Dear Stephanie,

The dilating drops sometimes can cause a reaction, but this settles down without causing any concern or issue in the eyes.

Without using this, it could be co incidental that she had these symptoms, which could have been an allergy (but would have been ruled out by the test you describe where the chin rests on an equipment).

The chart describes her unaided vision and the need if she requires glasses.

Do not worry, you can always ask the doctor what the test he is doing signifies, no doctor will mind.


Dr Shroff
