Saturday, March 6, 2010

getting perscription correct

I am 57, f, an albino, have been to hundreds of optometrists.  I resisted wearing their glasses as they didn't make a difference in my eyesight. Four years ago I tried on my husbands' glasses and was shocked to see that I could read without my eyes getting tired, could see smaller print.  

I did finally figure out that they have been giving me perscriptions for distance vision.  I can't use glasses for distance vision as I can't wear them outside.   They collect the light and I'm sensitive to light.  I guess that was a breakdown in communication.  But I trusted them.  I tried my best to cooperate during the exam and ask questions I should.

I did now get a perscription for near vision but it's still not as good as my husbands.  I ask for my husbands perscription, and they say, 'my perscription will be better.  Try mine, and if it doesn't work I'll give you your husbands'.'   But when theirs doesn't work,   they don't.

The last perscription I got does at first make print larger and clear.  But my eyes seem to have to refocus and refocus, and within fifteen minutes They're tired and I can't use those glasses!

With my husbands perscription I can read for hours without getting eye strain.  

When I go to walmart and want to order glasses from his perscription they give me a hard time.  'You need your own perscription.'  Ect.  I am so frustrated!!   

The newest one I got is r; +550, -0.75, 15 and    l; +6.00,-1.50, 165   I paid $50. for a perscription I can't use.

I had one, ONE chance in my adult lifetime to have a job, (due to no drivers license becuase of eyesight) and I couldn't do the job because my distance vision glasses didn't allow me to see small print I needed to see.

Hi Darcy,

I didn't see a question, but i appreciate the story.  I can't explain why they wont give you an Rx like your husbands.  You didn't include his Rx for me to compare but no matter, I would think one the optometrists would study the difference in order to understand your experience.  All I can suggest is another visit to the doctor with yours and your husbands glasses to sort it out.\

Best of luck,

Mitch Axelrod,OD