Tuesday, March 2, 2010

muscle under eye twitching

I've read the others stories about being on the computer for a long period of time and that being the cause of the twitching, but I have the same problem, but I don't frequently use a computer and I have the same problem.  Any suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.   

Thank You !!!

Dear Khoa,

yes, compuetrs do stress the eyes...unfortunately we cannot do without them.

One needs frequent breaks, but sometimes tha too is not possible.

It may help to read about the tips on how to use the PC better for no eye strain by logging onto www.shroffeye.org under computer vision syndrome.

This can also be an allergy, soalso rule that possibility. Sometimes over the counter available safe lubricating eye dros or artifical tears from a pharamcy can help when using long hrs on the Pc


Dr Anand Shroff