Saturday, March 6, 2010

Strange effects of certain colours

I've noticed that there are certain colours which make my vision in slightly strange ways. It happens mostly with a particular strong, bright red colour, but also with the corresponding shade of blue. If I see this colour out of the corner of my eye, it appears as if it is flashing. I've also noticed that when websites use these colours (particularly the shade of blue) I find those pages impossible to read, because of a similar sort of 'flashing' effect. I was wondering what it might be that causes this, and how common it is?

Dear Hannah,

Am not sure if I have understood this correctly, but what we experience visually is explained very subjectively.

If your eye check has determined you fit and healthy for the eyes, what you are visualizing is what others also see, but do not describe it this way.

there are certain ''cells' that we see floating in bright light, sometimes the image of the retina is seen too against reds colours, so what you must be describing may be a normal phenomenon but since you have concentrated and focussed on it, it is more noticeable.

The actual 'flashes' of light that happen in the eye occur with vitreous detachment and this is not just with certain colours but all the time.

However, do have an eye check if not had one done.


Dr Shroff