Thursday, March 4, 2010

Progressive Lenses?

I am 52 years old. I was prescribed my first set of glasess for readding at 48.

I went to an eyeglass chain store and was prescribed a stronger set of reading glasses, I also received another set for computers that my plan allocated.

Both sets of reading glasses were not prescribed properly.

I went back and the Opptometrist re-evaluated me for stronger lenses for both eyes. She stated I needed the glasses now for reading and for Driving (Distance for reading signs)

When I went to pick out the frames the salesman suggested progressive lenses.

My question is. Are progressive lenses what I need at this point or are they overkill and they will ruin my eyes. Other than for a slight issue with signs in  the distance while driving and reading up close, I don't relley need them when doing other activities ( Like walking, cleaning, yard work, TV)

Glasses are like tools.  There are multipurpose tools and dedicated tools, each with their pros and cons.  You simply use glasses to see better when you want to see better or more easily.  You need to have a discussion with our optician about the various choices and pros/cons.  Choose the tool that makes the most sense to you and realize that you will be choosing glasses for the rest of your life. You can try different types but with progressives make sure you get a good one, not a cheap one.  Glasses don't ruin your eyes, age does: welcome to adulthood.  

Best of luck,

Mitch Axelrod, OD