Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cataract !!!!

Hello Doctor

I just wanted to ask you about the post cataract operation that one has to take ? Many people say that after the operation one should not go near fire (like cooking)or wash clothes in the first week after the operation ?

Is it true ? What other precautions should be taken after

cataract surgery ?

Please reply at your earliest.....



Dear Manish,

Please read more about cataract on www.shroffeye.org

Precautions after cataract are fairly simple to:

1. Not lifting very heavy weights

2. Starting your routine work after you are comfortable, usually 2-3 days post cataract

3. using sunglasses outdoors

4. Yes, one can cook, go near the fire (not so close that it can cause any flames to reach you, but heat is not an issue).

5. Hairbath after few days

6. Avoid rubbing and knuckling the eyes for few days.


Dr Anand Shroff